Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Oedipus Data Sheet - 2569 Words
Major Works Data Sheet Oedipus the King Title: ________________________________ Sophicles Author: ______________________________ Date of Publication: ____________________ Around 450 BC Tragic Drama/Theater Genre: _______________________________ Historical information about the setting The work was written around 450 BC, a time of high Greek culture where literature and drama were placed at the forefront of society. Sophocles was a key player in this movement, and his plays were performed in a widespread area across ancient Greece and beyond. However, its popularity grew immensely as time went on, especially during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period, when the fascination with the arts and the accomplishments†¦show more content†¦This highly stylistic approach greatly enhances the work, and is central to his ability to manipulate diction to both convey his objectives as well as add artistic flair to it. He implemented tone to a great degree, meant to inspire some sympathy for the tragic hero, yet unflinchingly bestowed punishment upon him for the sake of the story. He focused on a few central ideas charachteristic to the work, and greatly expanded upon a few central ideas which are charachteristic of a tragic work. An example that demonstrates the style: Blind who now has eyes, beggar who now is rich, he will grope his way toward a foreign soil, a stick tapping before him step by step [Oedipus enters the palace] Revealed at last, brother and father both to the children he embraces; to his mother son and husband both - he sowed the loins his father sowed, and he spilled his father s blood! -Tiresias, lines 517-523 This tragic addition is central to the goal and theme of the work, and greatly exemplifies the overall impression he desired. Memorable Quotes Quote In this land, said the god; who seeks shall find; who sits with folded hands or sleeps is blind -Creon, L 109-110 Wretch, may he pine in utter wretchedness! And for myself, in with my privy he gain admittance to my hearth, I pray, the curse I laid on others fall on me, see that ye give eï ¬â‚¬ect to all my hest, for my sake and the god s and for our land, a desertShow MoreRelatedSynopsis Of Voltaire s Candide 1011 Words  | 5 Pages Major Works Data Sheet Title: Candide Author: Voltaire (Francois-Marie Arouet) Date of Publication: 1959 Genre: Satire Biographical information about the author Francois-Marie Arouet, Voltaire, was born in 1604 in Paris, France. He was passionate about writing. As a result, Voltaire defies his father’s desire for him to become an attorney. Voltaire composed various types of text like essays and historical surveys as he was acknowledged as a writer from the publication of Oedipus. After a battleRead MoreMajor Works Data Sheet : Fiction2158 Words  | 9 Pages OHHS AP/Pre-AP English Name _Sara Libonati_______________________ Per. _3____ Major Works Data Sheet: Fiction (Updated 10/18/2011) Note: Cite references in MLA format, in-text, and parenthetically. Complete a Works Cited page of all references used. Title: _Anitgone__________________________________ Author: _Sophocles________________________________ Date of Authorship:_5th Century B.C.__________________ Date of Original Publication: _5th Century B.C.__________ Genre: _Tragic Drama____________________________Read MoreMWDS Candide4817 Words  | 20 Pages Major Work Data Sheet: Candide Title: Candide Author: Voltaire Date of Publication: 1759 Genre: Satire, ‘Conte Philosophique’ (Philosophical Fiction) Biographical information about the author: Francois-Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire, was born in 1694 in Paris, France. Though his father wanted him to become a lawyer, Voltaire long held a great passion for writing, and rather than going to law school, spent his time extensively composing poetry, essays, and historical studies. His widespreadRead MoreA Summary On The Children Cheetah 10031 Words  | 41 Pagessuffocate it; the cheetah is not strong enough to break the necks of most prey. The bite may also puncture a vital artery in the neck. Then the cheetah proceeds to devour its catch as quickly as possible before the kill is taken by stronger predators. Data from 367 runs by three female and two male adults, with an average run distance of 173 m, showed that hunting cheetahs can run 58 miles (93 km) per hour.[58][59] A recent study that followed five African cheetahs indicated that cheetahs relied mostRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagestheir products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Whetten, David A. (David Allred) Developing management skills /David A. Whetten, Kim S. Cameron.â€â€8th ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-13-612100-8 1. Managementâ€â€-Study and teaching. 2. Managementâ€â€Problems, exercises
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Dependency Relationship A Child Develops With Her...
Attachment is a term used to describe the dependency relationship a child develops towards his or her primary caregivers. It is first observable during the latter half of the first year of life and develops progressively over the first four years of life. It is most readily observed in the behavior of children when they are sick, injured, tired, anxious, hungry or thirsty. Although early attachment research focused on the mother and infant, it is now generally accepted that children develop multiple attachment relationships. An ‘attachment figure’ is defined as someone who provides physical and emotional care has continuity and consistency in the child’s life, and who has an emotional investment in the child’s life. This can include parents (biological, foster, adopted), grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles, and alternate caregivers (e.g. child-care workers). Given that children are able to form multiple attachments, the question has been asked as to wh ich attachment relationship is most influential on children’s developmental outcomes. During the 1930s and ’40s, psychoanalytically oriented clinicians in the US and Europe were making observations of the ill-effects on personality development of prolonged institutional care and frequent changes of mother-figure during the first years of life. Among them was a psychiatrist who, prior to receiving his medical training, had studied developmental psychology. His name was John Bowlby. At this time mainstream psychoanalyticShow MoreRelatedHow Care And Attachment Influences The Development Of Emotion Essay1599 Words  | 7 Pagesare exposed to. Dependency and attachment have been compared to clearly depict how they look similar yet are so different in framing the future of the child. Correlation between needs, dependency, security and attachment has been discussed and their ultimate effect on generation of secondary emotions has been identified. This essay puts light on the factors influencing attachment and gives a clear view as to how the quality of nurturing an d care can influence the behaviour of the child. Read MoreInfant Attachment Essay1434 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Infant attachment is the first relationship a child experiences and is crucial to the child’s survival (BOOK). A mother’s response to her child will yield either a secure bond or insecurity with the infant. Parents who respond â€Å"more sensitively and responsively to the child’s distress†establish a secure bond faster than â€Å"parents of insecure children†. 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It is agreed by the psychoanalysts that the first relationship an infant has with his mother is oral in nature. Quite a few psychoanalysts make use of the term dependency in order to typify the infants pre-objectal relations. Behaviorism In psychology during the 1920s and 1950s the initial paradigm was Behaviorism which talks about the behavior which isRead MoreThe Theory Of Attachment Theory1607 Words  | 7 PagesAttachment theory is accepted by most psychologists and psychiatrists as the best explanation for how we develop the capacity to form relationships with others and relate to our environment. It asserts that the methods we use to relate to others, manage our needs, express our demands, and shape our expectations for the world are rooted in our relationships with our early caregivers. 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Originating with the work of John Bowlby 1982[pic], attachment theory describes a socioemotional behavioral system that guides how individuals manage their need for emotional security. This system is first evident early in life as children interact with their primary caregiver. When they are physically or psychologically threatened, children turn to their caregiver for comfort, and ideally their caregiver responds with immediate
The Relationship of Music Education Essay Free Essays
The turning academic accomplishment spread observed in academic establishments in the United States has prompted legion research surveies conducted to happen ways and means to better the academic public presentation of school-aged kids in the state. Based on such surveies conducted. it has been determined that the incorporation of music instruction as portion of the course of study used among pre-school. We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship of Music Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now simple and high school pupils can assist better the degree of academic public presentation observed in these degrees. As such. there are now a figure of different web sites found over the Internet promoting this method of learning school-aged kids of assorted degrees. However. there are still a figure of groups that remain disbelieving about its effectivity. This paper aims to supply information turn outing that the incorporation of music instruction to school course of study of different degrees result to an betterment of the academic public presentation of school-aged kids. Apart from supplying the legion benefits advocated by different web sites back uping this. this paper would look into surveies published in academic diaries available in Internet databases turn outing its effectivity. the claims provided by sceptics that have caused them to reason that there is no relationship between the usage of music instruction and the betterment of the academic public presentation of school-aged kids would besides be presented. Music Education and Academic Performance As antecedently mentioned. there are a legion Internet web sites now recommending the usage of music instruction as a agency to better the academic public presentation of school-aged kids of different degrees. This is because research surveies have shown positive and promising consequences peculiarly among kids with particular demands such as those with autism and those that have been considered as kids at-risk. In one survey. the research worker found that the incorporation of music instruction in the schoolroom led to the creative activity of an environment where kids with autism become more successful academically since they determined that pupils with autism are able to react more expeditiously with the usage of music stimulation ( Darrow 2009 ) . In another survey. it was determined that through the incorporation of music instruction. members of the module and disposal have seen that there has been a diminution in the figure of pupils dropping out of school as compared to those that did non use these plans. In fact. they found that 93 % of pupils dropping out are those that are non included in any music instruction plan ( Olson 2008 ) . Internet websites that promote the incorporation of music instruction as a manner to supply school-aged kids the ability to develop and heighten assorted accomplishments which have been considered as indispensable for the success of school-aged kids non merely in school but besides within the corporate universe. Some of these accomplishments include mathematics. creativeness and communicating accomplishments. It was besides determined that through the usage of music instruction as a portion of the course of study of school-aged kids allow them to develop traits and personalities that would do them productive members of society. These include developing a sense of self-denial. less prone to effusions of fury and choler and substance dependence. These claims presented in these Internet web sites are supported by assorted research surveies released by such establishments such as the U. S. Department of Education and the College Board of New York ( Children’s Music Workshop 2006 ; Zhang 2007 ) . While this may be the instance. other Internet web sites have been found to rebut such claims and benefits. One of which is a web site that features the survey presented to the Australian Association for Research in Education entitled No Evidence for a Mozart Effect in School Aged Children. In this survey. the research workers have stipulated that while there have been legion surveies claiming that the usage of classical music and other methods of integrating music instruction in school course of study have caused an betterment in the academic public presentation in some academic establishments. this does non go on each and every individual case. This is due to the fact that other factors such as the cultural of the academic establishment and the quality of the instructors easing the instruction of the pupils play a major function in the overall academic public presentation of school-aged kids ( Crncec. Wilson A ; Prior 2002 ) . In another Internet web site. it was stated that while music instruction does assist most school-aged kids with particular demands. this does non embrace all kids with particular demands. To be specific. kids with auditory upsets such as audile procedure upset. or APD. are unable to grok sound elements. As a consequence. the incorporation of music instruction to the course of study of school-aged kids would merely be unbeneficial for these kids. In fact. it may even do these kids to exhibit the really issues that Internet websites advancing the usage of music instruction are able to turn to ( Nikolaidou. Iliadou. Kaprinis. Hadjileontiadis A ; Kaprinis 2009 ) . Conclusion The incorporation of music instruction in school course of study has. in no uncertainty. been able to assist in the betterment of the academic public presentation of school-aged kids in different degrees. The promising consequences presented by research surveies conducted have been found to be consistent when these rules have been applied by assorted academic establishments. peculiarly pre-school and simple schools. As a consequence. the incorporation of music instruction has now been endorsed by assorted local and authorities organisations involved in the betterment of the overall academic public presentation of academic establishments in the state. While there are restrictions to how much of an betterment may be observed in one academic establishment as presented earlier. the consistence observed on the part music instruction to the overall academic public presentation uninterrupted to do a feasible method to be used in schools throughout the state. Mentions Children’s Music Workshop. ( 2006 ) . Music instruction online. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. childrensmusicworkshop. com/advocacy/benefits. hypertext markup language. Crncec. R. J. . Wilson. S. J. A ; Prior. M. ( 2002. December ) . No grounds for a Mozart consequence in school aged kids. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Aare. edu. au/02pap/crn02420. htm. Darrow. A. ( 2009 ) . Adapting for pupils with autism. General music today. 22 ( 2 ) . 24-26. Department of the Interior: 10. 1177/1048371308328384. Nikolaidou. G. N. . Iliadou. V. T. . Kaprinis. S. G. . Hadjileontiadis. L. J. A ; Kaprinis. G. S. ( 2009 ) . Primary school music instruction and the consequence of auditory processing upsets: pedagogical/ICT-based deductions. Retrieved from the IEEE Xplore Web site: hypertext transfer protocol: //ieeexplore. ieee. org/Xplore/login. jsp? url=http % 3A % 2F % 2Fieeexplore. ieee. org % 2Fiel5 % 2F4561602 % 2F4561603 % 2F04561902. pdf % 3Farnumber % 3D4561902 A ; a uthDecision=-203. Olson. C. A. ( 2008 ) . Can music instruction aid at-risk pupils? Study finds positive testimony significant but quantitative research lacking. Teaching music. 16 ( 3 ) . 20. Retrieved from ERIC database ( 10697446. 20081101 ) . Zhang. L. ( 2007. March ) . Benefits of music instruction for your kid. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. articlesbase. com/education-articles/benefits-of-music-education-for-your- child-124538. hypertext markup language. How to cite The Relationship of Music Education Essay, Essay examples
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