Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Customized Supply Management System Problem
Tweaked Supply Management System Problem Presentation Disruption and variety in nature of items provided upsets creation by including resultant expenses and losing income openings. In exceptionally specific assembling, the expense of consistent alteration of provisions presents inhibitive monetary and specialized hindrances. Publicizing We will compose a custom article test on Customized Supply Management System Problem explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More TESCO Company is at present confronted with this circumstance however the aim of fitting their items was intended to support monetary returns. Along these lines, adjustment of flexibly the executives framework has genuine influenced the company’s inventiveness in an offer to tailor administration conveyance that satisfy needs of every client. Flexibly the executives framework issue Supply the executives framework facilitates capacities buying. This instrument distinguishes the requirement for wares, proper providers, amount and nature of the wares . It likewise assesses adequacy of flexibly rehearses as of now set up (Park, Shin, Chang, and Park, 2010). Development of limit and automation of creation requests that the gracefully framework matches creation effectiveness while guaranteeing nature of provided merchandise. Data innovation conveys on both productivity and quality. With PC programming to mechanize flexibly chain the executives, choices can be made dependably and in convenient way (Park, Shin, Chang, and Park, 2010). Contribution from the creation area is prepared to diagram a supplier’s pattern in adherence to quality, amount, and practicality of conveyances. Correspondence of the quality rules limits the dangers of item dismissal/return. Without a guide, fluctuation is increasingly likely. In such a case, the deferral before substitution may slow or end creation; therefore, potential income from prepared items is missed. Answer for flexibly the executives issue Therefore, I would suggest robotized gracefull y programming that will bunch comparative client requests together. To understand the advantage of mechanized flexibly, both purchasing and providing endeavors are to have a mix of their neighborhood forms so information is piped to a typical structure. At that point, the two frameworks are interconnected with the goal that trade of data is straightforwardly connected through online interface and email choices. Sharing flexibly sub-framework encourages direct exchanges and age of reports that rate a supplier’s execution. Because of its dynamic detailing, inconsistencies in flexibly quality are conveyed quickly to the provider to start restorative activity (Burnett, 2004). Publicizing Looking for paper on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More With a provider review, non-conformance to particulars in provided wares and methods of flexibly are recognized. A report of the review is then talked about wi th the provider to execute restorative cure. As a reasonable evaluation of a supplier’s execution, the scorecard is in this way a target apparatus to manage quality in gracefully. Explanations behind the proposals An improved way to deal with gracefully the executives through robotization in TESCO Company will build up a more extensive association with its clients. The purchaser will put forth an attempt to get familiar with the supplier’s values, vision, challenges, and working condition. A feeling of cooperation built up will offer positive commitment to the joining forces organizations (Burnett, 2004). Such participation will transform flexibly into an upper hand rather than sole expense. This ought to be upheld by a legitimate agreement. It further accommodates express conditions in executing the legally binding organization. Because of their express nature and legitimate implementation, an agreement guarantees nature of gracefully to the concurred detail. Graceful ly the executives framework assumes a basic job in business process. A cutting edge way to deal with its administration proposes building more grounded relationship with a client to limit fluctuation on quality. Significant apparatuses in defending quality are the gracefully the board framework, provider manual, supplier’s scorecard, and flexibly contract. In any case, break of agreement may happen that requires legitimate arrangement. The procedure is lumbering before an honor for guaranteed harms are conceded and question between these gatherings is regularly irreversible (Hill, Eckerd, Wilson and Greer, 2009). References Burnett, K. (2004). Business preparation: Global buying Supply chain Strategies. New York: Wiley. Slope, J., Stephanie, E., Darryl, W., and Bertie, G. (2009). The impact of unscrupulous conduct on trust in a buyerâ€supplier relationship: The intervening job of mental agreement infringement. Diary of Operations Management, 27, 281-293.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Customized Supply Management System Problem explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Park, J., Kitae S., Tai-Woo C., Jinwoo P. (2010). An integrative structure for provider relationship the board. Modern Management Data Systems, 110(4), 495-515.
Monday, July 13, 2020
How to Write an Education Coursework of Top Quality
How to Write an Education Coursework of Top Quality How to Write an Education Coursework How to Create a Perfect Coursework in Education Few, if any, individuals are born with a unique skill of developing good custom essays. However, as a student, you often have to write dozens of papers and courseworks. A good education coursework is a result of hard work, and you have to follow the topic and instructions provided by your instructor. If you want to create outstanding custom essay papers, then you should follow the recommendations provided below. First, forget about cheap essays online and focus on your coursework topic. You need to analyze your topic in detail so that you know what should or should not be included in it. Use the keywords from your topic to provide the reader with a comprehensive response to your topic question. When you already know what is to be included in your cheap custom essays, start researching the topic in detail. As you are dealing with the subject, don't forget to list all books and articles you are using, in order to include them later in your references list. Keep gathering relevant information until you have enough evidence to support your essay writing claims. Do not fall into the grace of cheap essay writing services better ask a reputable writer for professional essay help if you want to present your idea comprehensively and professionally.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Oedipus Data Sheet - 2569 Words
Major Works Data Sheet Oedipus the King Title: ________________________________ Sophicles Author: ______________________________ Date of Publication: ____________________ Around 450 BC Tragic Drama/Theater Genre: _______________________________ Historical information about the setting The work was written around 450 BC, a time of high Greek culture where literature and drama were placed at the forefront of society. Sophocles was a key player in this movement, and his plays were performed in a widespread area across ancient Greece and beyond. However, its popularity grew immensely as time went on, especially during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period, when the fascination with the arts and the accomplishments†¦show more content†¦This highly stylistic approach greatly enhances the work, and is central to his ability to manipulate diction to both convey his objectives as well as add artistic flair to it. He implemented tone to a great degree, meant to inspire some sympathy for the tragic hero, yet unflinchingly bestowed punishment upon him for the sake of the story. He focused on a few central ideas charachteristic to the work, and greatly expanded upon a few central ideas which are charachteristic of a tragic work. An example that demonstrates the style: Blind who now has eyes, beggar who now is rich, he will grope his way toward a foreign soil, a stick tapping before him step by step [Oedipus enters the palace] Revealed at last, brother and father both to the children he embraces; to his mother son and husband both - he sowed the loins his father sowed, and he spilled his father s blood! -Tiresias, lines 517-523 This tragic addition is central to the goal and theme of the work, and greatly exemplifies the overall impression he desired. Memorable Quotes Quote In this land, said the god; who seeks shall find; who sits with folded hands or sleeps is blind -Creon, L 109-110 Wretch, may he pine in utter wretchedness! And for myself, in with my privy he gain admittance to my hearth, I pray, the curse I laid on others fall on me, see that ye give eï ¬â‚¬ect to all my hest, for my sake and the god s and for our land, a desertShow MoreRelatedSynopsis Of Voltaire s Candide 1011 Words  | 5 Pages Major Works Data Sheet Title: Candide Author: Voltaire (Francois-Marie Arouet) Date of Publication: 1959 Genre: Satire Biographical information about the author Francois-Marie Arouet, Voltaire, was born in 1604 in Paris, France. He was passionate about writing. As a result, Voltaire defies his father’s desire for him to become an attorney. Voltaire composed various types of text like essays and historical surveys as he was acknowledged as a writer from the publication of Oedipus. After a battleRead MoreMajor Works Data Sheet : Fiction2158 Words  | 9 Pages OHHS AP/Pre-AP English Name _Sara Libonati_______________________ Per. _3____ Major Works Data Sheet: Fiction (Updated 10/18/2011) Note: Cite references in MLA format, in-text, and parenthetically. Complete a Works Cited page of all references used. Title: _Anitgone__________________________________ Author: _Sophocles________________________________ Date of Authorship:_5th Century B.C.__________________ Date of Original Publication: _5th Century B.C.__________ Genre: _Tragic Drama____________________________Read MoreMWDS Candide4817 Words  | 20 Pages Major Work Data Sheet: Candide Title: Candide Author: Voltaire Date of Publication: 1759 Genre: Satire, ‘Conte Philosophique’ (Philosophical Fiction) Biographical information about the author: Francois-Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire, was born in 1694 in Paris, France. Though his father wanted him to become a lawyer, Voltaire long held a great passion for writing, and rather than going to law school, spent his time extensively composing poetry, essays, and historical studies. His widespreadRead MoreA Summary On The Children Cheetah 10031 Words  | 41 Pagessuffocate it; the cheetah is not strong enough to break the necks of most prey. The bite may also puncture a vital artery in the neck. Then the cheetah proceeds to devour its catch as quickly as possible before the kill is taken by stronger predators. Data from 367 runs by three female and two male adults, with an average run distance of 173 m, showed that hunting cheetahs can run 58 miles (93 km) per hour.[58][59] A recent study that followed five African cheetahs indicated that cheetahs relied mostRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagestheir products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Whetten, David A. (David Allred) Developing management skills /David A. Whetten, Kim S. Cameron.â€â€8th ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-13-612100-8 1. Managementâ€â€-Study and teaching. 2. Managementâ€â€Problems, exercises
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Dependency Relationship A Child Develops With Her...
Attachment is a term used to describe the dependency relationship a child develops towards his or her primary caregivers. It is first observable during the latter half of the first year of life and develops progressively over the first four years of life. It is most readily observed in the behavior of children when they are sick, injured, tired, anxious, hungry or thirsty. Although early attachment research focused on the mother and infant, it is now generally accepted that children develop multiple attachment relationships. An ‘attachment figure’ is defined as someone who provides physical and emotional care has continuity and consistency in the child’s life, and who has an emotional investment in the child’s life. This can include parents (biological, foster, adopted), grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles, and alternate caregivers (e.g. child-care workers). Given that children are able to form multiple attachments, the question has been asked as to wh ich attachment relationship is most influential on children’s developmental outcomes. During the 1930s and ’40s, psychoanalytically oriented clinicians in the US and Europe were making observations of the ill-effects on personality development of prolonged institutional care and frequent changes of mother-figure during the first years of life. Among them was a psychiatrist who, prior to receiving his medical training, had studied developmental psychology. His name was John Bowlby. At this time mainstream psychoanalyticShow MoreRelatedHow Care And Attachment Influences The Development Of Emotion Essay1599 Words  | 7 Pagesare exposed to. Dependency and attachment have been compared to clearly depict how they look similar yet are so different in framing the future of the child. Correlation between needs, dependency, security and attachment has been discussed and their ultimate effect on generation of secondary emotions has been identified. This essay puts light on the factors influencing attachment and gives a clear view as to how the quality of nurturing an d care can influence the behaviour of the child. Read MoreInfant Attachment Essay1434 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Infant attachment is the first relationship a child experiences and is crucial to the child’s survival (BOOK). A mother’s response to her child will yield either a secure bond or insecurity with the infant. Parents who respond â€Å"more sensitively and responsively to the child’s distress†establish a secure bond faster than â€Å"parents of insecure children†. (Attachment and Emotion, page 475) The quality of the attachment has â€Å"profound implications for the child’s feelings of security andRead MoreRelationship Between Secure Attachment And Resilience1580 Words  | 7 PagesAttachment and Resiliency The focus of this paper is the relationship between secure attachment in children and the resiliency they may display as a result of that healthy attachment, it also looks at the negative consequences that children experience when there is a deficit in quality attachments. Attachment theory has been shown to be crucial to adaptive systems, moderating anxiety by encouraging children to feel reassured, connected, and competent (Lisa R. Jackson-Cherry, 2014, p. 16) and withoutRead MoreThe Psychoanalytic Instinct Theory1606 Words  | 6 PagesMostly, the first object of an infant is his mother. (Ainsworth, 1969) In ones first year of life the foundation of object relations is laid. It is agreed by the psychoanalysts that the first relationship an infant has with his mother is oral in nature. Quite a few psychoanalysts make use of the term dependency in order to typify the infants pre-objectal relations. Behaviorism In psychology during the 1920s and 1950s the initial paradigm was Behaviorism which talks about the behavior which isRead MoreThe Theory Of Attachment Theory1607 Words  | 7 PagesAttachment theory is accepted by most psychologists and psychiatrists as the best explanation for how we develop the capacity to form relationships with others and relate to our environment. It asserts that the methods we use to relate to others, manage our needs, express our demands, and shape our expectations for the world are rooted in our relationships with our early caregivers. Through these interactions we learn to balance our feelings and need states with others and to establish our varyingRead MoreAttachments and Children with disabilities2166 Words  | 9 Pagesbonds formed by children with their caregivers have a tremendous impact that continues throughout life. He suggested attachment also serves to keep the infant close to the mother, thus improving the child s chances of survival. We can learn that Attachment theory is focused on the relationships and bonds between people, particularly long-term relationships including those between a parent and child. The central theme of attachment theory is that primary caregivers who are available and responsive toRead MoreChild Neglect : Neglect As A Form Of Child Abuse2216 Words  | 9 PagesChild Abuse: Neglect Has The Community Done Enough To Reduce Cases Of Neglect As A Form Of Child Abuse? Thesis statement: most scholars and practitioners have elaborated adverse impacts of child abuse, especially child neglect, but the research focuses on the positive side of the discourse; it concentrates on the community contribution and the steps that have helped to reduce and stop the act in many nations. The term child abuse got used in a very broad array of situation that it has become hardRead MoreKaren Horney1746 Words  | 7 Pagesfounders of modern psychoanalysis. Although her ideas are not widely taught today or accepted as a basis of psychoanalysis in and of themselves, her ideas of social and environmental influences are â€Å"integrated into modern psychoanalysis therapies and personality development theory†(Quinn). She was a contemporary of Sigmund Freud and was one of his early followers. Yet Horney joined the class of neo-Freudians after her research and writing led her to develop and establish psychoanalytical theoriesRead MoreParent Child Dynamics : Self Perception Essay1874 Words  | 8 PagesParent-Child Dynamics: Self-Perception Many adolescence face difficulties when entering into new group environments, such as school, social groups, extracurricular groups, etc. It has been discovered that the family environment has a great impact on the confidence of an adolescent, the family being the child’s first group. It is difficult to pinpoint one specific trigger causing low self-esteem within groups, as hereditary factors play an important role. It has been found that a discouraging familyRead MoreEssay on Basic Concepts in Attachment Theory2804 Words  | 12 Pagesaffective bond that develops between an infant and a primary caregiver. Originating with the work of John Bowlby 1982[pic], attachment theory describes a socioemotional behavioral system that guides how individuals manage their need for emotional security. This system is first evident early in life as children interact with their primary caregiver. When they are physically or psychologically threatened, children turn to their caregiver for comfort, and ideally their caregiver responds with immediate
The Relationship of Music Education Essay Free Essays
The turning academic accomplishment spread observed in academic establishments in the United States has prompted legion research surveies conducted to happen ways and means to better the academic public presentation of school-aged kids in the state. Based on such surveies conducted. it has been determined that the incorporation of music instruction as portion of the course of study used among pre-school. We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship of Music Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now simple and high school pupils can assist better the degree of academic public presentation observed in these degrees. As such. there are now a figure of different web sites found over the Internet promoting this method of learning school-aged kids of assorted degrees. However. there are still a figure of groups that remain disbelieving about its effectivity. This paper aims to supply information turn outing that the incorporation of music instruction to school course of study of different degrees result to an betterment of the academic public presentation of school-aged kids. Apart from supplying the legion benefits advocated by different web sites back uping this. this paper would look into surveies published in academic diaries available in Internet databases turn outing its effectivity. the claims provided by sceptics that have caused them to reason that there is no relationship between the usage of music instruction and the betterment of the academic public presentation of school-aged kids would besides be presented. Music Education and Academic Performance As antecedently mentioned. there are a legion Internet web sites now recommending the usage of music instruction as a agency to better the academic public presentation of school-aged kids of different degrees. This is because research surveies have shown positive and promising consequences peculiarly among kids with particular demands such as those with autism and those that have been considered as kids at-risk. In one survey. the research worker found that the incorporation of music instruction in the schoolroom led to the creative activity of an environment where kids with autism become more successful academically since they determined that pupils with autism are able to react more expeditiously with the usage of music stimulation ( Darrow 2009 ) . In another survey. it was determined that through the incorporation of music instruction. members of the module and disposal have seen that there has been a diminution in the figure of pupils dropping out of school as compared to those that did non use these plans. In fact. they found that 93 % of pupils dropping out are those that are non included in any music instruction plan ( Olson 2008 ) . Internet websites that promote the incorporation of music instruction as a manner to supply school-aged kids the ability to develop and heighten assorted accomplishments which have been considered as indispensable for the success of school-aged kids non merely in school but besides within the corporate universe. Some of these accomplishments include mathematics. creativeness and communicating accomplishments. It was besides determined that through the usage of music instruction as a portion of the course of study of school-aged kids allow them to develop traits and personalities that would do them productive members of society. These include developing a sense of self-denial. less prone to effusions of fury and choler and substance dependence. These claims presented in these Internet web sites are supported by assorted research surveies released by such establishments such as the U. S. Department of Education and the College Board of New York ( Children’s Music Workshop 2006 ; Zhang 2007 ) . While this may be the instance. other Internet web sites have been found to rebut such claims and benefits. One of which is a web site that features the survey presented to the Australian Association for Research in Education entitled No Evidence for a Mozart Effect in School Aged Children. In this survey. the research workers have stipulated that while there have been legion surveies claiming that the usage of classical music and other methods of integrating music instruction in school course of study have caused an betterment in the academic public presentation in some academic establishments. this does non go on each and every individual case. This is due to the fact that other factors such as the cultural of the academic establishment and the quality of the instructors easing the instruction of the pupils play a major function in the overall academic public presentation of school-aged kids ( Crncec. Wilson A ; Prior 2002 ) . In another Internet web site. it was stated that while music instruction does assist most school-aged kids with particular demands. this does non embrace all kids with particular demands. To be specific. kids with auditory upsets such as audile procedure upset. or APD. are unable to grok sound elements. As a consequence. the incorporation of music instruction to the course of study of school-aged kids would merely be unbeneficial for these kids. In fact. it may even do these kids to exhibit the really issues that Internet websites advancing the usage of music instruction are able to turn to ( Nikolaidou. Iliadou. Kaprinis. Hadjileontiadis A ; Kaprinis 2009 ) . Conclusion The incorporation of music instruction in school course of study has. in no uncertainty. been able to assist in the betterment of the academic public presentation of school-aged kids in different degrees. The promising consequences presented by research surveies conducted have been found to be consistent when these rules have been applied by assorted academic establishments. peculiarly pre-school and simple schools. As a consequence. the incorporation of music instruction has now been endorsed by assorted local and authorities organisations involved in the betterment of the overall academic public presentation of academic establishments in the state. While there are restrictions to how much of an betterment may be observed in one academic establishment as presented earlier. the consistence observed on the part music instruction to the overall academic public presentation uninterrupted to do a feasible method to be used in schools throughout the state. Mentions Children’s Music Workshop. ( 2006 ) . Music instruction online. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. childrensmusicworkshop. com/advocacy/benefits. hypertext markup language. Crncec. R. J. . Wilson. S. J. A ; Prior. M. ( 2002. December ) . No grounds for a Mozart consequence in school aged kids. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Aare. edu. au/02pap/crn02420. htm. Darrow. A. ( 2009 ) . Adapting for pupils with autism. General music today. 22 ( 2 ) . 24-26. Department of the Interior: 10. 1177/1048371308328384. Nikolaidou. G. N. . Iliadou. V. T. . Kaprinis. S. G. . Hadjileontiadis. L. J. A ; Kaprinis. G. S. ( 2009 ) . Primary school music instruction and the consequence of auditory processing upsets: pedagogical/ICT-based deductions. Retrieved from the IEEE Xplore Web site: hypertext transfer protocol: //ieeexplore. ieee. org/Xplore/login. jsp? url=http % 3A % 2F % 2Fieeexplore. ieee. org % 2Fiel5 % 2F4561602 % 2F4561603 % 2F04561902. pdf % 3Farnumber % 3D4561902 A ; a uthDecision=-203. Olson. C. A. ( 2008 ) . Can music instruction aid at-risk pupils? Study finds positive testimony significant but quantitative research lacking. Teaching music. 16 ( 3 ) . 20. Retrieved from ERIC database ( 10697446. 20081101 ) . Zhang. L. ( 2007. March ) . Benefits of music instruction for your kid. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. articlesbase. com/education-articles/benefits-of-music-education-for-your- child-124538. hypertext markup language. How to cite The Relationship of Music Education Essay, Essay examples
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Shakespeare Life Essays (709 words) - William Shakespeare
Shakespeare Life England's greatest poet and playwright was born at Stratford-upon-Avon, the son of a tradesman and Alderman of Stratford, John Shakespeare in 1564. William, the eldest son, and third child (of eight) was baptised on 26th April 1564 and probably educated at Stratford Grammar School, but little is known of his life up to his eighteenth year. He did not go to University and his younger contemporary and fellow-dramatist, Ben Johnson, would later speak disparagingly of his "small Latin, and less Greek" in the eulogy prefaced to the Firs Folio. However the Grammar School curriculum would have provided a formidable linguistic, and to some extent literary, education. Although, in 1575 when he was eleven, there was a great plague in the country and Queen Elizabeth journeyed out of London to avoid its consequences and stayed for several days at Kenilworth Castle near Stratford enjoying "festivities" arranged by her host Lord Leicester. It is probable these events may have made a strong impact on the mind of young William. At the age of Eighteen, he married Anne Hathaway, eight years his senior. Five years later he left for London. William worked at the Globe Theatre and appeared in many small parts. He first appeared in public as a poet in 1593 with his Venus and Adonis and the following year with The Rape of Lucrece. He became joint proprietor of The Globe and also had an interest in the Blackfriars Theatre. The play writing commenced in 1595 and of the 38 plays that comprise the Shakespeare Cannon, 36 were published in the 1st Folio of 1623, of which 18 had been published in his lifetime in what are termed the Quarto publications. Love's Labour's Lost and The Comedy of Errors appear to be among the earliest, being followed by The Two Gentlemen of Verona and Romeo and Juliet. Then followed Henry VI, Richard III, Richard II, Titus Andronicus, The Taming of the Shrew, King John, The Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer Night's Dream, All's Well that Ends Well, Henry IV, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Henry V, Much Ado about Nothing, As you like it, Twelth Night, Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Troilus and Cressida, Othello, Measure for Measure, Macbeth, King Lear, Timon of Athens, Pericles, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, Cymbeline, A Winter's Tale, The Tempest, Henry VIII and The Two Noble Kinsmen. When he retired from writing in 1611, he returned to Stratford to live in a house which he had built for his family. His only son, Hamnet died when still a child. He also lost a daughter Judith (twin to Hamnet), but his third child Susanna married a Stratford Doctor, John Hall and their home "Hall's Croft" is today preserved as one of the Shakespeare Properties and administered by the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. In 1616 Shakespeare was buried in the Church of the Holy Trinity the same Church where he was baptised in 1564. Tradition has it that he died after an evening's drinking with some of his theatre friends. His gravestone bears the words:- Good frend for Jesus sake forebeare, to digg the dust encloased heare, Bleste be ye man yt spares thes stones, And curst be he yt moves my bones. In his will Shakespeare left his wife, the former Anne Hathaway, his second best bed. We cannot be sure of the reason for this. It may have been the marital bed the best bed being reserved for guests. It may suggest that they had a not altogether happy marriage which nevertheless produced three children, Susanna, born on May 26th 1583 and twins , Hamnet and Judith, born on February 2nd 1585. These entries appear in the Holy Trinity Register. There is no direct evidence of the marriage of William Shakespeare to Anne Hathaway although most historians accept that an entry in the Bishop's Register at Worcester in November 1582 regarding the issue of a marriage licence to William Shaxpere and Anne Whateley of Temple Grafton does not refer to the famous bard. However the following day a guarantee of ?40 was undertaken in Stratford by two yeomen of the town against the prevention of the legal marriage of William Shagspere and Anne Hathway on only one reading of the banns. In 1582 , ?40 was a considerable sum of money and one cannot believe that the simple fact of Anne's being three months pregnant would warrant it. No marriage of an Anne Whatelely has ever been traced, neither has the marriage of Anne Hathway, but lack of record does not mean that it did
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Scared to Death Best Halloween Pranks to Try
Scared to Death Best Halloween Pranks to Try Halloween is the time of year when you start craving candy corn and the delicious sounds of your roommate’s screams. Instead of just giving out treats this year, consider some of these amazing tricks that are sure to lodge themselves in your friends’ memories (and nightmares) for years to come. Attack of the Killer Toilet Seat You know those snap fireworks that you used to get every year as a kid in the boxes of firecrackers? It seemed like they were only good for dropping on the ground and leaving tiny bombs of gunpowder all over your driveway. Not any more! If you live with a bunch of girls, there is nothing funnier than getting them where it really hurts – right in the toilet seat. How To Set It Up Get a handful of leftover snap fireworks from the 4th of July. Gently place them around the ring of the toilet bowl underneath the toilet seat supports. Then, carefully lower the toilet seat so that it rests on the fireworks but doesn’t set them off. Then, when your roommate needs to desperately use the bathroom, they’ll get the surprise of their lives. Zombie Pizza Is your roommate constantly eating your food? Well, its time to stop that. With just a little bit of effort, you can scare that stolen breakfast right out of their stomachs. How to Set It Up Get a handful of empty pizza boxes, about 7-10, and cut the centers out of the bottoms and tops except one. On one, cut out the bottom, but leave the box top attached. Stick them together (glue or duct tape) and leave the one with the whole top intact on top. Then, get a cheap card table, or a piece of thick cardboard that you can set up on top of some boxes. Cut a whole in that which will be covered by the boxes and that you can fit inside. Get a black sheet or tablecloth and cut a hole in that as well. This will cover up your legs. When you know your roommate will be coming home, set up the pizza â€Å"table†where he or she will see it. Leave a note saying that you got some pizzas for you to share. Then, when he opens the top box, pop out – preferably in full zombie makeup! Perhaps you will need to read this blog post on how to apply Halloween makeup. Flesh-Eating Slug Floor If you are living with someone who is a bit squeamish when it comes to bugs and creatures, this is the perfect prank for them. Not only will it guarantee a scream, but it will motivate them to clean the floors before they head to bed. How to Set It Up First, you need to psychologically set this prank up by gradually explaining that you’ve seen a type of slug (the â€Å"wherever you live†Flesh-Eating Round Slug) in the morning or at night surrounding the beds. You can even plant one somewhere in the house to really get into their heads. Once he or she finds that one, you’re ready to move to the next phase of the plan. Get a bag of grapes at the store and peel them. After your roommate goes to sleep, place the grapes on his or her floor. Then, scream. Watch the hilarity as your roommate wakes up and tries to find out what’s wrong – and walks into the Flesh-Eating Slug infestation! Bloody Shower If you think the shower scene in â€Å"Psycho†was scary, just wait until your roommate gets to play the leading role. The best part about this prank is that it’s easy to do, won’t harm your house, and will be completely unexpected. How to Set It Up Unscrew the top of your showerhead and fill it with old Easter Egg dye, KoolAid, or food coloring (as red as you can get it). Screw it back on and test out your chosen method to make sure the color and consistency is what you want. After you get the perfect color, set it up for real by screwing the shower head back on and wait for your roommate to come home from the gym or work. If you want to know more tricks, you should also consider these April Fools Day pranks for college. Though they are not related to Halloween, you can still use them to play pranks. Happy Halloween! Do you have some other prank ideas youd love to share? The comments below are here for you!
Sunday, March 1, 2020
1984 Study Guide
1984 Study Guide George Orwells 1984 is such an influential novel that you neednt have read it to notice its effect. With its chilling examination of totalitarian regimes, 1984 changed the language we use to discuss those very regimes. Popular terms like Big Brother, Orwellian, or Newspeak were all originated by Orwell in 1984. The novel was Orwell’s attempt to highlight what he saw as an existential threat posed by authoritarian leaders like Joseph Stalin. It remains a vital commentary on the techniques of brutal totalitarian regimes and only becomes more prescient and applicable as technology catches up with its nightmarish vision. Fast Facts: 1984 Author: George OrwellPublisher: Secker and WarburgYear Published: 1949Genre: Science fictionType of Work: NovelOriginal Language: EnglishThemes: Totalitarianism, destruction of the self, control of informationCharacters: Winston Smith, Julia, O’Brien, Syme, Mr. CharringtonNotable Adaptations: A film adaptation released in 1984 starred John Hurt as Winston and Richard Burton, in his last role, as O’Brien.Fun Fact: Because of his socialist politics and connections to the Communist Party, Orwell himself was under government surveillance for years. Plot Summary Winston Smith lives in what is known as Airstrip One, formerly Britain, a province of a large nation-state known as Oceania. Posters everywhere declare BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, and Thought Police could be anywhere, watching for signs of Thoughtcrime. Smith works at the Ministry of Truth changing historical texts to match the current propaganda being distributed by the government. Winston longs to rebel, but confines his rebellion to keeping a forbidden journal, which he writes in a corner of his apartment hidden from the two-way television screen on his wall. At work, Winston meets a woman named Julia and begins a forbidden love affair, meeting her in a room he rents above a shop in the midst of the non-party population, known as proles. At work, Winston suspects that his superior, a man named O’Brien, is involved with a resistance movement called The Brotherhood, led by a mysterious man named Emmanuel Goldstein. Winston’s suspicions are confirmed when O’Brien invites him and Julia to join The Brotherhood, but this turns out to be a ruse and the pair are arrested. Winston is brutally tortured. He slowly gives up all outward resistance, but preserves what he believes is an inner core of his true self symbolized by his feelings for Julia. In the end he is confronted by his worst fear, a terror of rats, and betrays Julia by begging his torturers to do it to her instead. Broken, Winston is returned to public life a true believer. Major Characters Winston Smith. A 39-year old man who works for the Ministry of Truth. Winston romanticizes the lives of the non-Party proles and indulges in daydreams in which they rise up and spark a revolution. Winston rebels in his private thoughts and in small actions that seem relatively safe, like his journal-keeping. His torture and destruction at the end of the novel is tragic because of the sheer lack of necessity; Winston was being manipulated from the very beginning and never posed any true threat. Julia. Similarly to Winston, Julia is outwardly a dutiful Party member, but inwardly seeks to rebel. Unlike Winston, Julia’s motivations for rebellion stem from her own desires; she wishes to pursue pleasure and leisure. O’Brien. Literally everything the reader is told about O’Brien in the first half of the story is revealed to be untrue. He is Winston’s superior at the Ministry of Truth, but he is also a member of the Thought Police. O’Brien therefore represents the Party perfectly: He is changeable as needed, weaponizes information or the lack of it, and ultimately serves solely to perpetuate power and snuff out resistance of any kind. Syme. A colleague of Winston’s, working on a Newspeak dictionary. Winston perceives Syme’s intelligence and predicts that he will disappear as a result of it, a prediction that quickly comes true. Mr. Charrington. A kindly old man who helps Winston rebel, and is later revealed as a member of the Thought Police. Major Themes Totalitarianism. Orwell argues that in a one-party political state where all other parties are outlawed, perpetuation of power becomes the sole purpose of the State. Towards this end, a totalitarian state will restrict freedom increasingly until the only freedom that remains is freedom of private thought- and the State will then attempt to restrict this as well. Control of Information. Orwell argues in the novel that the lack of access to information and the corruption of information makes meaningful resistance to the Party impossible. Orwell foresaw the rise of fake news decades before it was named. Destruction of the Self. The ultimate goal of all totalitarian regimes in Orwell’s opinion. Only by replacing individual desires with a template created by the State can true control be asserted. Literary Style Orwell writes in plain, largely unadorned language and a neutral tone, which evokes the crushing despair and dullness of Winston’s existence. He also ties the point of view tightly to Winston, forcing the reader to accept what Winston tells them much as Winston accepts what he is told, all of which is ultimately revealed as a lie. About the Author Born in 1903 in India, George Orwell was an incredibly influential writer, best-known for his novels Animal Farm and 1984, as well as essays on various topics covering politics, history, and social justice. Many of the concepts Orwell introduced in his writing have become part of pop culture, such as the phrase Big Brother is Watching You and the use of the descriptor Orwellian to indicate an oppressive surveillance state.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Performance Management System Griffith University Assignment
Performance Management System Griffith University - Assignment Example Griffith University is an Australian University that was founded in 1971 and it is a public university. The Dawkins revolution of 1988 acted as a major catalyst for the growth of the university. A series of successful mergers with other colleges like Queensland Art College and Gold Coast College of Advanced Education to name a few had greatly enhanced the size of Griffith University/After forty years from its establishment, the University had grown from a small university that had a singular campus to one of the largest universities in Australia with multiple campuses across the continent.Presently, the university employs professors and academic staff from more than 130 countries. It has greatly increased the number of courses that are offered in it and has strategically positioned it among the top 5% research universities.The University has strategic goals of influencing communities through teaching and scholarly programs, valuing diversity and creating an environmentally sustainabl e society to name a few. It also strives to promote individual rights and ethical standards. The Human Resource (HR) management of Griffith University is an organized one which integrates the long-term strategic planning of the organization with the human resource planning. The HR staff service center of the university is responsible for providing assistance and support for activities like recruitment and selection, staff benefits, payroll measures and training and development programs.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Abbott and Merck Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Abbott and Merck - Essay Example In the United States, there are several regulatory bodies that such companies would have to deal with. While their financial operations as well as advertising methods are regulated by other bodies, even their basic operations of researching and producing medicine are heavily regulated. The Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, National Institute of Health, Center for Disease Control and even the National Science Foundation can have an impact on how pharmaceutical companies operate (DHHS, 2007). At the same time, some organizations have more regulatory control than others. For example, the FDA is one body which has the most control over regulations that can force pharmaceutical companies to operate one way or the other. The FDA comes under the Department of Health and Human Services which gives the FDA broad guidelines to follow. The FDA is the actual authority which makes the rules that drug companies have to follow. These regulations impact much more than medicine since food, dietary supplements, cosmetics, medicinal products for use in health care as well as medical implements are regulated by the FDA (FDA, 2007). For pharmaceutical companies, the basic regulations start from food and dietary supplements that may be produced by these companies such as Vitamin C tablets or folic acid pills that may not require prescriptions in many cases. However, in many cases these products may be treated as food in which case there is a strong labeling requirement of the FDA which regulates the producers as to what information needs to be on the packaging of the product (FDA, 2007). For example, as an industry regulation, the producers of dietary supplements are allowed to make claims as to the benefits of their products but they cannot make a claim that their supplements can prevent or cure a disease. At the same time, supplements are not heavily regulated and action against the producers of supplements can
Friday, January 24, 2020
College Students and Stress Essay -- Health Nutrition Diet Exercise Es
College Students and Stress    Today a college education can overload students with too many stressful situations. Not only does Stress overload today's college students, but it is also the leading cause of personality disorders. In her essay, Cathy Bell explains that major depressive disorder strikes 5-12% of men and 10-20% of women; half of these people will have more than one occurrence and 15% of them will commit suicide ("Depression for the young"). For instance, many depressives are first recognized and treated during their years in college. For a large amount of people, depression exposes itself because of traumatizing experiences, such as leaving home and/or academic stress. For other students alcohol and drugs become a first time experience.  Now pile on top of all that academic stress, bad eating and sleeping habits with no exercise. Bell makes it known that the average first time sufferer is about 25 years of age, yet depressive disorders seem to be continually rising among teenagers. Suicide is now the third leading cause of deaths between the ages of 15-24 years old ("Depression in the Young"). The Counseling Center for Human Development explains their definition of stress, stress can be defined as the way in which your mind and body react to any situation that is new, threatening or exciting. Often, backaches, loss of appetite, constant fatigue, depression, and serious physical problems can result from prolonged stress.  However stress can also give you an extra burst of energy-more adrenaline enters the bloodstream, heart and breathing rates increase, blood flow quickens, and muscle strength improves. Learning to harness this energy can help you meet the physical challenges, solve problems... Counseling Center for Human Development. Coping with Stress in College. U of South Florida. 3 Dec. 2000. "Depression: Facts, Definitions, and Statistics." Statistics. Colorado HealthSite. 3 Dec. 2000. Franklin, Donald J., Ph.D. Psychology Information Online. 3 Dec. 2000. Health Tips for College Students. 14 Jul. 1999. MayoClinic. 3 Dec. 2000. http://www/ Knight, Chris. Personal Interview. 27 Nov. 2000. Posen, David B., MD. "Stress Management for Patient and Physician." The Canadian Journal of Continuing Medical Education. Apr. 1995. 3 Dec. 2000. http://www/
Thursday, January 16, 2020
The Time Machine: Does Change Bring Progress?
â€Å"We should strive to welcome change and challenges, because they are what help us grow. Without them we grow weak like the Eloi in comfort and security. We need to constantly be challenging ourselves in order to strengthen our character and increase our intelligence. †To what extent do you agree that change brings progress? Write your opinions in not more than 350 words. Indeed, change is important and serves as a necessary to mould us into successful beings we will be tomorrow, yet, to a certain extent. According the writer of Time Machine, lives of the Eloi are nothing but just blind happiness while the Morlocks, portray lives that are just as us humans in reality who are getting increasingly more materialistic in our lives. If we live our lives as the Eloi did, live would be just as meaningless as theirs because there is no endurance or facing down of challenges, the ups and downs in live, not even the taste of true happiness†¦as it is so common that people do not understand the concept of happiness anymore. So, in this case, people should and must change and this is a progress. They have to become mature and be able to stand on their own feet instead of depending so much on others that they could not possibly live without them. On the contrary, if we resort to the lives of the Morlocks, who are always busy craving for luxurious possessions instead of dedicating lives towards good deeds, which is very much that is becoming of us today, this change is not progress and should certainly be halted. While the Eloi live without much concern towards their surroundings, the Morlocks†¦okay, we, humans are becoming more and more hectic in our lifestyles that we lose the sense of pure happiness, of content. Because greed roots easily and everything comes with mere intentions. Is this the live we want to have? Therefore, change is progress but to the extent where both moral values and success are well-balanced to ensure a physically and mentally healthy being.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Role of Human Resources Department - 613 Words
The role of the human resources department is to maximize its expertise and knowledge to promote a diverse work environment that values service excellence, personal well being and professional development. Some of the functions of human resources are to stay compliant with labor laws, to recruit, hire and train the best-qualified people to do the job. Human resource planning is an important factor of the human resources department. It is the process of forecasting the supply and demand for human resources within an organization and developing action plans for aligning the two (Denisi/Griffin, 2008, pg. 98).Organizations analyzes whether they could function with the same staff or by increasing staff if needed and the planning can make the difference between success or failure. Job analysis is another important factor of human resources. This is the process of gathering and organizing detail information about jobs within an organization so managers can understand the process to pe rformed most effectively. The job analysis relates to the selection process, performance appraisal, training, development, and compensation. The training and development is where the employee learning the job related skills. The organization facilitate the training to employees to focus on that specific job, whereas, the development teaches the managers and professionals the skills needed for both current and future jobs. If an employee is not meeting his job in satisfaction, managers and orShow MoreRelatedRole Of A Human Resource Department984 Words  | 4 PagesRole and Function of a Human Resource Department Human resources (HR) are so much more than the traditional view of an administrative function within the organization. If properly developed and initiated HR can become a strong, strategic business partner. 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